Monday, September 14, 2009

An I CAN Success Story

By Bob Alexander

I CAN…Two powerful words that inspire our confidence…Serve as a testament to our determination to succeed…And reflect a desire to be our very best.
That’s why thousands of educators, students and parents across America are excited about Zig Ziglar’s I CAN program. Through I CAN, they’re not only learning the ABC’s of education, but more importantly, the ABC’s of Life – Attitude, Behavior and Character. These are the fundamentals that enable individuals to achieve their fullest potential and bring out the best in others.
The I CAN program is based on the foundational principles of honesty, integrity, character, trust, loyalty and love – principles upon which successful lives are built. Once this solid foundation is established, individuals develop a positive attitude and self-image, as well as strong, healthy relationships with others. Even more importantly, they are empowered to achieve their life’s goals and desires. Health, happiness, prosperity, friendship, peace and security are dreams transformed into everyday realities. Isn’t that what we all want for today’s youth?
Time and time again test and survey results show that students who adopt these traits excel in school and beyond. Middle school principal Dr. Paul Jennings wrote me a letter explaining his experience with the I CAN Program and said:
“Let me tell you about the impact the I CAN Program has had on many of our youngsters in this community. We distributed the material to our teachers after a staff development workshop that you conducted. Immediately after the workshop the teachers began using the principles of the program in their day to day instruction. But the most salient discovery was what I saw in the hallways…the cafeteria…the gymnasium and the bus stop. I began to notice…as did many of my teachers…that the students were beginning to “live” by the principles of the I CAN Program. The fact that students began to discover that…they can have everything in life they want…if they help enough other folks get what they want…began to become a reality to them.
Being “nice” is a choice. To have a friend…you must be a friend. Your attitude in life is the MOST important indicator of your future success. All of these attributes helped our youngsters get over the sometimes rocky road of adolescence. Thank you for bringing the I CAN Program to light in our community, and we look forward to staying focused on the “big deals” of life!
Robert Louis Stevenson once said, “The man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.” Dr. Paul Jennings has done his part. What about you?
Bob Alexander is the President of The Alexander Resource Group and is the manufacturer and distributor of the I CAN Program. For more information on how you can bring the I CAN Program to your community, visit or call 877-USA-ICAN (877-872-4226).

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